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Bibliography 1978-1988

1967-1977                     1989-1994



Catalog exhibition Villes Nouvelles, december, n° 36 : " L'art dans la ville, l'art dans la vie ", Fondation des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, visual parc du Griffon à Vitrolles, model fountain Evry.


Revue Recherche et Architecture, n° 63, p. 9, about the 1%, " Amado ".


Die Kunst Munich, February, 4 pages, Klaus-Hartmut Olbricht : " Jean Amado urformen ". Visuals at the limit, boat 11, boat 13, Roseberg.


Méridional, August 25, anonymous: "Will the fountain of the carders become mossy"?


Marseillaise, September 1, anonymous: on the Fountain of the Carders.


Film on A 2 (Oct. 26), Daniel Le Comte: "Amado" in the series "Fenêtre sur".




Catalog of the group exhibition at the Numaga Gallery in Auvernier, July to September: "the artist's favorite object".


Catalog of the retrospective exhibition at the Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt, preface by Bernard Krimmel.


Skira annual n° 5, year 1979, Jean-Luc Daval: biographical note and visual the attics.


Lebendiges Darmstadt, n° 47-48, anonymous : " Jean Amado ".


Darmstädter Tagblatt, October 12, " Ausstellung Jean Amado ".


Darmstädter Echo, October 19, "Monumentale Beton Plastiken".


Bergsträber Anzeiger, October 20, insert about the exhibition.


Oberhessische Presse, October 22, id.


Darmstädter Echo, October 22, "Das Innen bricht nach aussen".


Darmstädter Echo, October 22, "Skulpturen wie aus alter zeit".


Darmstädter Echo, October 27, Robert d'Hoogue: "Ein Sohn der provençalischen Erde", full page article, visuals Jean in front of Roseberg and the mama.


F.A.Z. October 30, Monica Zimmermann: "Ein Atlantis aus Beton", article and visual of the wood holder.


Darmstädter Tagblatt, October 30, Max Peter Maass: "Im Innern regieren archaische Götter", article and visual wood holder.


Le Monde, November 15, Pierre Granville, " La sculpture de Jean Amado à Darmstadt, une oeuvre poétique



Mannheimer Morgen, November 15, Manfred E. Schuchmann : " Geheimnisvolle rückwärts gewandte Utopien ", article and visual les Mées.


Waiglinger Zeiturg, November 22, KD: "Jean Amado in Darmstadt".


DW, n° 278, November 28, Eo Plunien: " Nekropolen der Phantasie ".


Zeijurg, Waiblinger: "Jean Amado in Darmstadt".


La Marseillaise, Gérard Meier: About the wood holder exhibited at the "Fête de la Marseillaise".




Retrospective catalog at the Rijks Museum Kröller Müller, Otterlo, Holland, preface by Elenn Joosten.


Retrospective catalog at the Musée de Peinture et de Sculpture de Grenoble, preface by Pierre Gaudibert.


Exhibition catalog Musée Cantini, July-August, biographical note and visuals but then, the attics.


Le Matin, February 18, Maïten Bouisset: "Jean Amado at the Museum of Grenoble", visuals of the attics.


Silex Grenoble, n° 18-19, 4th quarter, Michel Crozet, " Jean Amado et le jeu ", visuals barque, la belle de mai, Roseberg.


Marseillaise March 11, Le Curieux : une fontaine dans le désert " (Fontaine des Cardeurs Aix, on the " cabal " around the installation of this sculpture).


The mural art of Jean Amado, Annick Pegouret, Master's thesis in Art History, direction Gérard Monnier, University of Provence.


Les Carnets de la Région, Marseille Action Culturelle Régionale, n° 4, February-March, Annick Pegouret : " Jean Amado sculpteur ".


Revolution, May 16, Bernard Noël : " Espace, béton, temps, bouche d'ombre ", about the exhibition of Otterlo, visuel à la limite.


Dauphiné Libéré, July 7, anonymous : " Les sites pétrifiés ", visual at the limit.


Marseillaise, October, Alain Paire: "Heritage? It is here and now, art and time".


Béton Prisma, Dusseldorf, August-November, p. 26-27, " Jean Amado und seine plastiken ", visuals Amado mounting the wood carrier, a boat, no text.


Encyclopædia Universalis, t. 18, Dominique Bozzo: "Sculpture Contemporaine", on Amado p. 600, visual Roseberg.




Collection " sculptures " of the Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, publication Otterlo, p. 38-39, acquisition following the 1980 retrospective of a monumental sculpture : de la mer le passage.


Life of the arts, Montreal, vol. 25, n° 101, winter 1980-1981, Gérard Monnier : " La vision délirante d'Amado ", visual Roseberg.


Ambiente, Offenberg (RFA), April, p. 75-82, G. Droste von Sandor : " Als war's Stück vom Urgestein ", numerous visuals in the workshop, Amado in a diving suit for the sandblasting operation, visual the wood holder.


L'Humanité, July 6, section "L'invité de l'Humanité", Jacques de Bonis: "Jean Amado. Manufacturer of images in hard", visual Amado through the wood holder, at the limit, boat 8.  


Le Pharmacien de France, n° 17, p. 1018-1021, October, Paul Duchein : " Vieira da Silva et Amado, sourciers des mystères telluriques ", visual by sand and salt.


Esprit, October-November, p. 288-289, Alain Paire : " Sculptures de Jean Amado ".


La nouvelle République, November 11, Jean-Marc Faubert : " L'Entrepôt Lainé tout offert à la sculpture ", visual Amado in front of the wood holder.


Sud-Ouest, November 16, Pierre Paret : " Sculptures of today ".


Echo du Centre, November 21, anonymous : " Contemporary sculptures in Bordeaux ".


Libération, November 23, anonymous : " Sygma sculpte ".




Catalog of the Biennale of Venice, preface by Guido Perroco, p. 41, photo and notice Amado.


Catalog of a group exhibition: "Dessins Français Contemporains", Musée Galerie de la Seita, p. 13, preface by Jacques Leenhardt.


July publication by a collective on the occasion of the Regional Day for Public Art, Font Blanche Center in Vitrolles (University of Provence). Project Amado of the Tunnel of the 13 winds, p. 37.  


Progrès de Lyon, January 10, Annette Michel: " Au Creusot, Jean Amado expose ".


Dauphiné Libéré, January 20, Yves Lambert: " Un sculpteur Jean Amado ", visual montage and photo Amado.


Le Courrier (du Creusot), January 20, anonymous: " L'invitation au voyage de Jean Amado ", visual montage of par le sable et le sel.


Progrès de Lyon, January 20, Annette Michel: " For the sculptor Jean Amado, it is more important to suggest the journey on the object than to realize it ", visual montage.


Milieux, June-September, n° 10, 2 pages, Bernard Noël : " Amado au Creusot ", visuals Bernard Noël and Amado during the assembly of par le sable et le sel.  


Le Devoir, October 9, René Vlau : " Panorama du dessin français ".


The Gazette, Montreal, October 16, Lawrence Sabbath : " Drawing spotlight after years gallery anterrom ".


Travées (Nouvelles des Centres Culturels de Rencontre), n° 10, p. 10, July-November, Michèle Evrard-Bornibus : " Jean Amado dans la cour d'honneur du château de la Verrerie au Creusot, visuels Amado au montage de par le sable et le sel, la mama.




Catalog of the acquisitions 1982-1983 of the FRAC/PACA. "Amado", p. 14-15, text, list of exhibitions, elements of bibliography and visual of the end of the lips.


Catalog of the exhibition Galerie Jeanne Bucher, November-December, preface by Dora Vallier : " Amado dans son monde ".


Garrigues (Aix-en-Provence), n° 3, p. 24-25, July, Alain Paire : " Jean Amado sculpteur ".


Milieux, n° 14, p. 80-90, June-September, Christian Bobin : " Amado : surveys of the tangible traces left by a sculptor in the imagination of a place and in the eyes of its inhabitants ". Visual by the sand and the salt, the bug, but then, and to be born at the same time, assembly of the sculptures in Creusot (in 1982).


Le Matin, November, Pierre Cabanne: "The sculpture of bones and muscles of Amado", visual jeaune garde.


Le Figaro, November 23, Jean-Marie Tasset : " Amado le ciment mirage ".


Beaux-Arts Magazine, December, Guy Boyer : " Jean Amado ", visual la bogue.


Nouvelles Rive Gauche, December, Frédérique Massonaud : " Le vent sculpte les roches ".


Le Pharmacien de France, December, o. 1273-1274, Paul Duchein : " Les cités imaginaires de Jean Amado ", full page visual by sand and salt.


Libération, December 2, Daniel Dobbels: "Jean Amado takes to the sea", visual muraille sous le vent.


Revolution, December 2, anonymous: "Jean Amado".


France Soir, December 3, Nicole Duault : " Les galeries rive gauche ".


Le Quotidien de Paris, December 15, J.-J. Levêque : " Amado ", visual of the end of the lips.


Le Monde, December 21, Frédéric Edelman : " Terre d'Amado ".




Catalog of the Rencontre d'Art 1984 at the Musée Ingres in Montauban, April-May 1984, title of the exhibition : " Eloge de l'insolite autour de Roland Cat " (" Amado ", notice and visual in the hollow).


Cimaise, February, Claude Bouyeure: "At the beginning of winter in Paris in 1983-1984", announcement of the exhibition. Jeanne Bucher Gallery.


Dépêche du Midi, April, anonymous: "Lever de rideau sur l'insolite".


Le Courrier d'Aix, October 27, Pierre Gay: " Bibemus, Cézanne et Amado ".




Catalog " Jean Amado. Le doute et la pierre", retrospective at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, April 25-July 13.


Catalog group exhibition FRAC CAPA in Le Luc, November 9-30, Anonymous : " Fragments pour la mémoire d'une ville ".


Aujourd'hui, Bulletin de l'Union des Arts Décoratifs, n°1, notice announcing the retrospective.


Catalog (supra), p. 5-8, Georges Duby : " Jean Amado - Le doute et la pierre ".


Catalog (id.), p. 16-18, Louis Pons: " Jean Amado sculpteur " (resumption of Cimaise 1973).


Catalog (id.), p. 20-22, Francis Finidori: " Interview with Francis Finidori ".


Catalog (id.), Anonymous, p. 97-105: "Biography and achievements 1949-1985", p. 106-107: "Bibliography 1969-1984".


Revue des Monuments Historiques, n° 138, April-May, p. 27, model of the Amado project for the City of Ivry.


L'Autre Journal, n° 5, May, p. 102-103, Antoine Dulaure : " Jean Amado sculpteur anonyme ", interview, visual Roseberg.


Le Point, May, Jean-Louis Ferrier : " Amado ", visual boat 8.


L'œil, n° 358, May, Marielle Ernould-Gandouet : " Paris, Jean Amado ", visual in the hollow.


Le Pharmacien de France, n° 10, May, Paul Duchein : " Jean Amado : les scories de l'imaginaire ", visual le doute et la pierre, muraille sous le vent.


International Herald Tribune, May 4, Michael Gibson : " Amado composites suggest petrified ships, fortresses ", visual Capraia.


Revolution, May 24-30, p. 46-47, Pierre Courcelles interview: "Jean Amado refractory".


Libération, May 28, Daniel Dobbels : " Sculpture en Amado majeur ", visual le doute et la pierre.


Humanité, May 28, Raoul-Jean Moulin: " Un archéologue de l'imaginaire ", visual par le sable et le sel.


Figaro, May 30, Jean-Marie Tasset: "Amado: a sculpture of the cosmic high", visual the doubt and the stone.


Le Monde, June 2, Frédéric Edelmann : " Les cent treize clefs d'Amado ".


Dimensions AEEB (Revue des anciens élèves de l'Ecole Boulle), September 1984-June 1985, p. 12-13, Dominique Burkhardt : " Jean Amado sculptures, Georges Duby le doute et la pierre ", visual barque 8 et par le sable et le sel.


Elle, June, Pierre Cabanne: " Jean Amado ".


France Culture, April 29, Pierre Descargies' program Les Arts et les Gens, Valère Bertrand and Alain Avila: " Une demi-heure avec Amado ".


Video film by Jorge Amat on the occasion of the retrospective of the Decorative Arts, filmed in the studio and the house, interview with Pierre Daix.




Catalog exhibition at the Fernand Léger Gallery, Ivry-sur-Seine, May-June, on the occasion of the installation of the sculpture-fountain Place de la République, preface by Raoul-Jean Moulin. Article of Thierry Sigg : " Jean Amado, sculptures, drawings, model ". Article of Danielle Bleitrach: " Jean Amado a sculptor ".


Catalog CNAP, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, 4th quarter, preface by Claude Mollard, " 100 commandes publiques ", exhibition Relance de la commande Publique. About the order of Ivry.


Dictionnaire des peintres et sculpteurs de Provence, Alpes, Côte d'Azur, éd. Laffitte, author Alanzen, notice and photos Amado, p. 20-22.


L'Humanité, June 2, full page article Raoul-Jean Moulin : " Rencontre avec le sculpteur Jean Amado. Au pied de la muraille", visual Amado working in the studio at the Ivry sculpture.


Bulletin Municipal d'Ivry Ma Ville, n° 149, September, " Architecte en eau vive ".




Le béton dans l'art contemporain, Editions du Griffon, Neuchâtel, Marcel Jorey. On Amado, p. 74 and 82-83, visual le doute et la pierre, par le sable et le sel.


FRAC Six years of acquisitions, visual La Sérénissime acquired in 1985 (installed in the Picasso Museum of Antibes).


Bulletin Municipal d'Ixelles/Bruxelles, February, Exhibition : " Sculpteurs de France : Jean Amado/Jean-Claude Philippe/Francesco Marino Di Teana/Olivier Seguin/Coasta Coulentianos/Georges Jeanclos ". Notes and photos.


Why not? February 25, France Borel : " Vive les affinités sélectives ".


Le Soir, Brussels, March 2, Danièle Guillermon : " Archaism archaeology... sculptors from France ".


Le Drapeau Rouge, March 4, Jean Cimaise : " Sculpteurs de France ".


Deze Week in Brussel, March 4, Christine Vuegen: " Franze beeldhouwers ".


La Libre Belgique, March 13, J.-M.: "Six French sculptors in Ixelles. Une approche ".


Le Vif, March 16-21, G. G. : " Sculptures : six sculptors ".


Journal Municipal d'Aubervilliers, n° 5, April, Philippe Cheret : " Interview with Jean Amado " (about the development of the Place de la Mairie).


Calendar 1987 Mairie d'Ivry with several photos of sculptures Amado, visual the city on the mineral roof, and born at the same time, the pusher, the fountain of the Place de la République in Ivry, the organs in march, castle foc.


Arcadia ASBL : " Sculpteurs de France ".




Bulletin de la Direction Régionale TELECOM Ile de France, n° 3, p 6-7, Anonymous : " Amado le sculpteur qui fait jaillir son art ", about the fountain sculpture of the Direction Telecom Place Alleray in Paris.


Vitry, vingt ans d'art dans la ville, Publication municipale de Vitry, Amado p. 46, visual of a sculpture in colored masonry, housing complex, rue Marie Sorin Defresne, architect Léon Dayan (1974).


Acquisitions of the FRAC CAPA 1982-1988, 4th trim.


Le Provençal, April 26, Alain Paire: "A monument for Arthur Rimbaud. Jean Amado sculptor of Entremont".


Catalog, Art et Industrie, Mécène d'aujourd'hui, Jean Boissieu about Présence Contemporaine, Aix-en-Provence, exhibition July and August. On Amado p. 38-39, visuals Roseberg.


Catalog exhibition Galerie Jeanne Bucher, November, Jean-François Jaeger (p. 23) : " Jean Amado ".


Catalog, same references, Louis Pons: "Il fait silence" (He is silent).


Le Pharmacien de France, Dec. No. 19, Paul Duchein: "Jean Amado, when the spirit comes to the concrete", about the exhibition at the Galerie Jeanne Bucher, visuals the citadel and silence on watch.


Catalog Ville de Bitche (Moselle), November, exhibition November 26/December 4: "Le jardin de sculptures de Stadtweihe", one page: "Dernières expositions et réalisations de Jean Amado".


Libération, December 1, Anonymous: "Le jardin de sculptures de Stadtweihe".


Le Provençal, November 12, Bernard-Henri Lévy : " Marseille, un monument pour Rimbaud ".


La Ruée vers l'art, December 24, Nicole Huault.


1967-1977          1989-1994

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