Subscription is over. The book is published.

JEAN AMADO SCULPTEUR, LA VIE, LA PENSEE, L’OEUVRE COMPLET (Jean Amado sculptor, his life, his thought, his complete work) will contain :
a biography
his connexions to architecture from 1950 to 1990
the first catalogue raisonné about his work
The book will be published in november 2022, (by Editions Imbernon : Katia Imbernon and Jean-Lucien Bonillo). Books at a special fare are proposed.
Original drawings and sculptures are on sale to finance the book's publication.
History : Jean Dubuffet was one of the first one to introduce him in 1969 to Jean-François Jaeger, owner of the Jeanne Bucher Gallery, who defended the artist's work.
Big sculptures were set up in the Floral Park of Vincennes, in the Paris Orange Head Office, in Ivry, Aubervilliers, Monaco-Fontvieille, the highlight being the Monument to Arthur Rimbaud (1989 in Marseille).
Jean Amado has also created sculptures for many private collections, museums and foundations.
In addition, numerous exhibitions and retrospectives have enhanced his international recognition. Christian Bobin, Jean-Luc Daval, Georges Duby, Bernard Noël, Louis Pons, Dora Vallier, Germain Viatte, among others, have analyzed his art. After his death, his works have been exhibited and continue to be commented on.
A major retrospective was held in Aix-en-Provence in 1997, followed by a major exhibition in 2008.
An exhibition of drawings took place at the Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Dessins de sculpteurs in March 2018 after an exhibition at the Musée Granet, in Aix-en-Provence, during the summer of 2017 as part of the Jeanne Bucher's exhibition La Passion de l'Art.