Bibliography 1989-1994
Catalog of the Cantini retrospective, in Marseille. Co-publication Museums of Marseille and Service of the Cultural Affairs of the City, La Galerie de la Mer, January, n°3. Germain Viatte : " Celebration of the present ". Jean-Luc Daval : " Singularity and modernity of Jean Amado ". Jean-Rémy Mantion : " Events. The centuries of Light of Jean Amado". Catherine Maubon: " On ne part pas ". Jacqueline Nardini: "For a chronology 1950-1988. The public order). ".
La Gazette, January 16/February 6, Anonymous: " Performances " (about the sculpture installed in Bitche).
La Marseillaise, January 27, Jacques Sayagh : " Jean Amado : modern necessarily modern ", visual fountain of the Cardeurs.
Le Provençal, January 27 : " La longue marche d'Amado ".
La Marseillaise, January 28, photo announcing the inauguration of the monument Tribute to Rimbaud.
Le Provençal, January 29, Alain Paire: "Tribute: Marseille remembers Rimbaud". About the inauguration of the Monument Hommage à Rimbaud, article about Arthur Rimbaud, visual of the sign.
Thursday's event, February 9/15, column the event of the week, Jean-Louis Pradel: "L'ivre de pierres", Monument Tribute to Rimbaud and Amado retrospective at Cantini Museum.
Sud, bimonthly literary review, n° 84, p. 169-170, Pierre Caminade: " Poetry and sculpture. The Homage to Rimbaud by Jean Amado".
Bulletin Centre Régional de Documentation Pédagogique, May 20, F. G.: " Semaine nationale. À l'école de l'art contemporain", about an intervention of Amado with the students. Visual of the artist in front of the Homage to Rimbaud.
Journal of regional criticism, November 8, 9 p., Joseph A. Uphoff B. A.: "The Jean Amado critique", about an exhibition at the Jeanne Bucher Gallery.
Film-video, commissioned by the City of Marseille and the State, December, Francis Finidori: "Monument to Arthur Rimbaud".
L'art et la ville, urbanisme et art contemporain, éd. Skira et Secrétariat Général des Villes Nouvelles, p. 64-75 and p. 245, preface by Georges Duby p.7, Michael Gibson (French and English) : " Jean Amado, les vaisseaux fortifiés ", visuals Hommage à Rimbaud, le porte-bois, fontaines CHU Marseille, Fontaine Evry, project of the Tunnel des 13 Vents in Marseille.
Libération, October 18, section " Dans les livres d'art ", Hervé Gauville about the release of L'Art et la Ville.
Hebdo du Quotidien du maire de Gennevilliers, December 19, François Bensignor : " L'espace public a besoin de la sculpture ", about L'Art et la Ville, Skira. Visual of the Hommage à Rimbaud.
The Art renews the City. L'Art Contemporain et l'Urbanisme en France, preface Jack Lang, catalog review published in Japan about the exhibition rotating in Japan and Korea, about Amado, p 48/58/61 and p. 113/173. Sculptures exposed: the bug and the project Tunnel of the 13 winds, visual: Homage to Rimbaud, the bug.
Catalog of the acquisitions of the FDAC, Departmental Fund of Contemporary Art of Val-de-Marne, exhibition February and March, in Créteil. Amado: acquisitions 1989, p. 48-51, visuals the fountain-bug and execution drawings.
Revolution, n° 525, March 23-29, " Images " with a visual of the fountain-bug installed in Valenton (DDE).
France Soir Est, éd. Seine et Marne, December 3, Jean-Marc Thommen : " Flâner : sur les traces de l'art contemporain, au carrefour de l'insolite " (about the exhibition of the FDAC Val de Marne), about the bogue-fountain of Valenton.
Artension, section " Dossiers Artistes ", n° 16 July-August, Marie-Odile Andrade : " Jean Amado rêve de sable ".
Le Quotidien de Paris, October 24, FIAC section : " Galerie Jeanne Bucher : Marc Tobey et Jean Amado ", visuals of the FIAC stand with sauve garde.
Bulletin Municipal de Bitche, January, " Une image valorisante pour Bitche et sa région ", visual of the sculpture Bitche.
Les Hauts Lieux de l'Art Moderne en France, éd. Bordas, Edina Bernard, p. 170 and 184-186 : " Hommage à Rimbaud 1989 - Le voyage imaginaire ". Visual Hommage à Rimbaud.
La Commande Publique. Enjeux-Culture, Ministère de la Culture et des Grands Travaux, May 1991, 300 p. Several themes among which "The city and its districts", Visual Hommage à Rimbaud.
Catalog of a group exhibition, "Pour saluer le dessin", Musée Ingres in Montauban, April 27/June 2. Visual of an untitled drawing, 1986.
Le Soir, March 22nd, Anonymous: "Jack Lang sends Rimbaud's poems to the government". Visual.
Le Provençal, April 8, Alain Paire about the exhibition Galerie Oriane-Chamak : " Les miniatures d'Amado ". Visual Amado in front of a dismantled sculpture at the Cantini Museum.
Paris-Normandie, May 8, " La sculpture dans tous ses états " about a group exhibition in Evreux.
La Dépêche, May 18, " La sculpture s'expose à Evreux ".
L'Affiche, May/July, n° 140, section Cimaise on the spring-summer exhibitions, mentioning Evreux.
Paris-Normandie, June 8, Vincent Rondreux : " 50 ans de sculpture : Evreux fait le vide ".
Cahiers de Marseille, September 20, point on the experiences and cultural equipments of the city, p. 17 : small mention of the Hommage à Rimbaud.
Source ? Homage of Marseille to Rimbaud, Jean-Luc Daval: "Singularity of Jean Amado" (resumption of an article of 1988).
Catalog of the Carcassonne exhibition "L'arrière Pays", June, organized by the Jeanne Bucher Gallery, text by Jean-François Jaeger.
Pariscope, March 11, announcement of the exhibition "L'arrière-pays".
Midi Libre, June 26, " Exhibition room in the heart of the city ".
Midi Libre, June 29, " L'arrière-pays monte aux créneaux de la cité ".
Quotidien de Paris, July 30, J.-J. Lévêque : " À Carcassonne. L'arrière-pays de la peinture", visual le passage.
Regards d'Aix et de Provence, n° 5, spring 1992, remarks of Jean Amado collected by Raoul-Jean Moulin in 1986.
Catalog Sculptura in Francia, IIIème Biennale Internazionale di scultura contemporanea, Matera, Italy, June 21/October 18.
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, June 19, " Da domenica 21 in due chiese rupestri, sculture francesi di scene a Matera ".
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, June 20, "Unici artisti francesi alla 3ème biennale di scultura. E' nei Sassi di Matera il loro piccolo Louvre".
Les Nouvelles Publications, Olivier Cousinou (assistant curator of the Cantini Museum) under the signature Librasulus: "Galerie Sordini: Jean Amado le rêveur des sables. Until July 11", visual Amado leaning against a "cliff".
Le Méridional, April 26, Patrick Merle : " Sculpture : Amado takes off at Sordini ", visual Amado.
Le Provençal, June 17, L. C. : " Jean Amado Galerie Sordini ".
Le Soir, June 24, Claude Darras: " Amado, l'homme de pierre ".
Jærteikn, n°1, p. 33, Dutch magazine, A. T. Borgen, passage on Amado and visual wood-carrier.
Le Pharmacien de France, February, p. 206, Paul Duchein : " The art market is in crisis... it's the right time to buy ", about the edition of the two bronzes (the arch and the turret, bateau-feu).
Provençal, November 27, T. N. : " Un village dans la cité ", about the memory stone ordered for the Frais Vallon district in Marseille. File on the rehabilitation of the district and the Amado project.
Leaflet on the inauguration of the Place de la Mairie in Aubervilliers and the Amado fountain, the city and the source, December 17.
La Dépêche de Toulouse, March 30, A.-M. CH. Jean Amado, telluric sculptor", about the exhibition at the Meurisse Gallery (April and mid-May), visual le passage.
La Dépêche du Midi, Anne Marie Chouchan : " Amado sculpteur de l'imaginaire ", visual Amado derrière le passage.
Habitat Marseille brochure on the inauguration of the head office and the sculpture pierre de mémoire, October 24.
Le Provençal, November 11, 17th meeting of plastic arts of Château-Arnoux, jury in which the artist participates