Bibliography 1967-1977
Architecture d'Aujourd'hui: "About the Artists Decorators' Exhibition" with a visual of a bas-relief "in enamelled refractory concrete" (2m50 x 1,50).
Prado magazine: about the exhibition "poétique du matériau", Aix-en-Provence, text of a third of a page entitled Jean Amado, with visual of the same bas-relief (supra).
Prado: visual of the industrialized evolutionary house of Aix-en-Provence, architect Paul Quintrand with a Jean Amado sculpture outside.
Prado magazine: two visuals, one of the nave, the other of a pebble.
Text Georges Duby : Invitation to the exhibition at the Hôtel Mainier d'Oppède (Aix) July 1968, Aimée Perrin/Jean Amado. Text + visual the nave.
Provence Magazine, François Lemeur : " Les étranges temples flottants d'Amado ", visual claustras, le crâne.
Catalog Gallery Jeanne Bucher.
Various articles about this exhibition February-March:
Revue Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, Simone Frigerio : text + 3 visuals (sarconaute/bas relief 1967 / bête de guerre) with a reminder of the links between the Amado and André Bloc of Architecture d'aujourd'hui.
Horizon of the fantastic n° 13, visual small armadillo.
Lettres françaises, 25-02/3-03, visual la nef with a quote from Pierre Emmanuel.
Les Nouvelles Littéraires, J-J. Lévêque, February 26, " Gulliver à Lilliput ", visual Jaco.
Le Dauphiné Libéré, 2-03, Paul Vincent : " Des artistes de métier ".
Herald Tribune, March 9-15, " A travers les galeries ".
Le Monde, 5-03, P.-M. Grand " L'imagination d'Amado ".
Paris Normandie 6-03, Gilbert Lascault, " expositions en tous genres ", visual la nef.
Figaro Littéraire, 9-03, Frédéric Mégret : " Sur les cimaises. Jean Amado ", visual Jaco.
Lettres Françaises, D. C., 18-24 March : " Les céramiques de Jean Amado ", visual la nef.
L'Humanité, 20-03, Lucien Curzi : " Les sculptures en béton de Jean Amado ", visual les Mées.
Revue Terre, Air, Mer, heading Point de Mire, visual la nef.
Cimaise, April, J.-J. Levêque.
Chroniques de l'Art Vivant, n° 11, May-June, article + visuals petit couillu and la nef.
Exhibition in Montreuil, Galerie Marie-Thérèse Douet, from May 2 to June 25.
La Voix de l'Est, May 6, announcement and article, visual Jaco.
Catalog exhibition Gallery Haaken, Oslo, various articles in the Norwegian press.
Prado magazine, n° 7 : " Aménagement d'un terrain vallonné CHU Nord ", several visuals in situ.
Art in America, Michael Gibson : " Three artists and three dimensions " (Louis Pons, Jean Amado and Aeppli).
About an exhibition at the Jeanne Bucher Gallery, November and December:
Plaisir de France, Nov. 1972, column.
L'Humanité, Lucien Curzi, Nov. 7: "Amado by concrete and steel".
Figaro, Nov. 8, Jeanine Warnod : " L'imaginaire et la figuration ".
L'Aurore, 16 Nov : " Amado, sculptures in cooked concrete ".
Herald Tribune, Nov 18, Michael Gibson.
Nouvelles Littéraires, Dec. 4, Marie-Claude Volfin : " Les forces du visible et de l'invisible ", visual Roseberg.
La Galerie, Dec, J.-J. Levêque : " Les hommes et les œuvres ".
About the exhibition at the Maison des Arts et des Loisirs in Le Creusot:
Revue L.A.R.C., Le Creusot, n° 13, p. 8 and 9, January, and bas-relief visual (see above 1967).
Le Progrès (Lyon), January 15, A.M. : " vernissage de deux expositions ", visual Roseberg.
Nouvelles de Saône-et-Loire, January 17: " Meeting with the sculptor Jean Amado ".
Nouvelles Littéraires, February 5, J.-J. Levêque, article and visual
About the exhibition at the Galerie Jeanne Bucher :
La Galerie, n° 124, p. 28-29, February, M.H: announcement and visual Roseberg.
Cimaise, January-March, n° 110-111, p. 40-49, Louis Pons : " Jean Amado ", + visuals Jean in the studio, the demolished armadillo, the Mées, Roseberg, the guard, Krak lascifulé ondulé, CHU Nord Marseille, Jaco, the crane carrier.
About the exhibition at the Fabre Museum in Montpellier:
Midi Libre, March, G. Vérune: "Extraordinary sculptures by Amado," visual Roseberg.
Plaisir de France, Sept, Pierre Descargues: "Amado", visual Roseberg.
About the exhibition at the Pavillon Vendôme in Aix-en-Provence:
La Marseillaise, June: "Sculptures by Jean Amado at the Pavillon Vendôme", photo of the artist.
Nordisk Billedkunst Informasjon, March, F15 Kontatk, Halvdan Ljosne: "Romkunst i Frankrike na
Guide to art in the street in the twentieth century, Paris and its suburbs, Les éditions ouvrières, coll. Action Culturelle.
The gallery, January, Dictionary, J.-J. Levêque: "The materials subjects".
La Marseillaise, May 25, " At the Timone Atelier Delta, the remarkable exhibition of Jean Amado's sculptures ".
Catalog exhibition Galerie Jeanne Bucher, preface by Georges Duby: "À propos des sculptures de Jean Amado".
Catalog 3rd International Biennial of Small Sculpture, Budapest (September 20-November 9), one page on Jean Amado, visual boat.
La Quinzaine littéraire, November 1, Bernard Noël: "Amado: I don't want anything intellectual, it has to grow from itself.
Le pharmacien de France, Paul Duchein : " Les sculptures d'Amado, singuliers habitacles ".
Revista Discurso n°7, Sao Paulo, p. 51-66, Gérard Monnier: "Tecnica artisticas e tecnicas de produçao", on Jeanclos, Amado and César.
Marseillaise, January, J.-C. Izzo: "The fantastic world of the sculptor Amado".
L'Œil April, announcement of the exhibition Galerie J.B, small article and visual of a boat.
Herald Tribune October 2, Michael Gibson.
Le quotidien de Paris, October 2, Maiten Bouisset, a few lines about Amado.
Les Nouvelles Littéraires October 6, Léone de la Granville, a few lines on the Jeanne Bucher exhibition.
Figaro, October 9, Pierre Mazars: "Amado at the end of the night of times".
Figaro October 9, Claude L'Houmeau, art section.
Le Soir 10-11 Oct, José Alves : " Jean Amado, Barques de rêve ".
L'Humanité Sunday 13 October, J.-P. Jouffroy : " Jean Amado ", visual at the limit.
Le Point October 18, Sabine Marchand, visual boat 10.
Info-artitudes October, visual at the limit.
L'Aurore October 20, on the exhibition Jeanne Bucher.
L'UNITE, Jean-Paul Liégois October 22: "Adami Amado exhibition".
Journal Montréal Canada octobre, Francine Vigneau, interview : " La sculpture des couches souterraines ", visual barque.
Galerie -Jardin des arts-, November, n° 163, p. 35, Christine Gleiny : " Jean Amado : organisation plastique sans faille ". Visual the attics.
Les cahiers de la peinture November, Blandine Ravier : " Jean Amado ".
Art International December, René Micha.
Villes Nouvelles October, L'art et la ville p. 107, Monique Faux (about the CES of Evry I.)
Catalog of the group exhibition "Artist ? Artisan" Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris, May-September.
XXe siècle, Skira, June, n° 48, p. 150-151, heading Chronique du jour, Bernard Noël : " Jean Amado ", visual barque 16, full page Roseberg.
Skira annuel n° 3, Dec. 1976, J.-L. Daval, text and biographical note, large visual Roseberg.
The Paris Metro, January 19, Georgina Oliver.
Arts PTT, n° 79, March, Henri Raynal : " Erosion is the name of an artist ", visual le gardien.
La Montagne (Clermont-Ferrand), May 27, J. Chambriard : " Amado at the Galerie Eupalinus : boats without the sea as vestiges ", article, visual petronaut. Exhibition from May to June.
Quercy Recherche, June, anonymous: " Jean Amado sculpteur ", about an Amado exhibition at the Cahors Museum.
Le Semeur Hebdo, July 1st, Daniel Colney : " Amado ou la sculpture à visage humain ". About the exhibition at the Eupalinos gallery in Clermont-Ferrand.
Provence Magazine, April, n° 407, " Aix capitale artistique ". Visual Jean in front of a sculpture.
1978-1988 1989-1994